
Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid MillGrinding machine
Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid Mill


Preparation of emulsified fuel oil blend oil and water research -CN.HAOSTAR Hao Star colloid mill
Release time:2015-06-23 Publisher:admin

Preparation of emulsified fuel oil blend oil and water research -CN.HAOSTAR Hao Star colloid mill

1. Development of emulsifier A + B, add little to the emulsifier emulsified oil droplets in the particle size of emulsified oil emulsifier will enter a special colloid mill: a colloid mill bleaching agent, off flavor colloid mill, a colloid mill emulsifier The catalyst colloid mill, a colloid mill depressant, viscosity reducer colloid mill, dispersed and mixed colloid mill, a high shear colloid mill, coal tar, colloid mill, a colloid mill heavy oil, diesel colloid mill, grinding pump bleaching agent, off flavor grind pumps, grinding pump emulsifier, catalyst grinding pumps, grinding pump depressant, viscosity reducer grinding pump, pump dispersive mixing colloid mill, high shear grinding pump, coal tar grinding pump, heavy grinding pump, diesel pump grinding, emulsifying machine homogeneous pumps, high shear homogenizer dispersion, colloidal dispersion homogenizer machines, plastic mill surrounded by water droplets, emulsified oil has a high degree of stability;
2. The product complex emulsified oil Emulsifier A + B prepared having good stability and low viscosity, and adding an emulsifier single sample viscosity compared emulsifiers prepared emulsified oil can be maintained at room temperature more than four days; emulsified oil viscosity is low, at 50 ℃, emulsifiers A + B emulsified oil viscosity preparation than adding single emulsifier A and B prepare an emulsified oil viscosity low 41.7% value, 25%; 90 When ℃, respectively low 9.3%, 4.7%; 3) A + B complex emulsifier added amount of the viscosity of the sample values ??are extremes, and to decide the best dosage of emulsifier 3 ‰. At 90 ℃, emulsifier dosage 3 ‰ minimum sample viscosity 430mPa s;? 4) water emulsified oil in the best dosage of 10%. Emulsified oil at room temperature and 60 ℃, respectively, after three months of no hierarchical placement, its viscosity has not changed.
3. viscosity reducer Research
1) the development of a nonionic and anionic two single viscosity reducer, the best dosage are 3 ‰.
2) nonionic and anionic complex viscosity reducer best. At low temperatures, viscosity reducer complex than single nonionic and anionic blend oil viscosity thinning agent preparation decreased by 16.7% and 10%; high temperature, reduced by 12.5% ??and 6.3%, its best was 3 ‰.

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