
Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid Mill
Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid MillGrinding machine


Coal tar and heavy fuel oil to reconcile study prepared -CN.HAOSTAR Hao Star colloid mill
Release time:2015-06-23 Publisher:admin

Coal tar and heavy fuel oil to reconcile study prepared -CN.HAOSTAR Hao Star colloid mill
1. The temperature of the blend oil viscosity significantly affected reconcile ratio of 2: 1 blend oil, increased from 50 ℃ to 92 ℃, viscosity values ??dropped 94.2 percent;
 2. With the ratio of the amount of heavy oil from 2: 1 to 7: 1, blend oil viscosity also increased accordingly, blend oil viscosity decreases with increasing temperature, lower rate divided into two sections, the first section of high rapid decline Area (50 ℃ <T <70 ℃), the average rate of decrease of 115mPa • s / ℃, the second stage is a gentle reduction zone (70 ℃ <T <92 ℃), the average rate of decrease of 20mPa • s / ℃;
3. reconcile heavy oil and tar ratio of 6: 1, blend oil viscosity at shear at 50 ℃ than not been CN.HAOSTAR Hao Star special colloid mills: bleaching agent colloid mill, a colloid mill deodorizing agents, emulsifying agent colloid mill, a catalyst colloid mill, a colloid mill depressant, viscosity reducer colloid mill, a colloid dispersion shear mixing abrasive blend oil viscosity reduction of 1200mPa • s, high shear colloid mill, colloid mill, coal tar, heavy oil colloid grinding, diesel colloid mill, grinding pump bleaching agent, off flavor grinding pump, emulsifiers grinding pump, pump ground catalyst, pour point depressants grinding pump, viscosity reducer grinding pump, pump dispersive mixing colloid mills, high shear grinding pump, Coal tar grinding pump, heavy grinding pump, diesel pump grinding, emulsification, homogenization pump, high shear homogenizer dispersing machine, colloid homogenizer shear milling machines have significantly reduced tone, grain and oil temperature viscosity effect;.
The harmonic ratio of 4: 1 (heavy oil: coal tar, v: v), measured blend oil flash point of 194 ℃, far higher than the national standard 130 ℃, flash point rises with increasing molecular weight, completely miscible mixture, flash point lower than the arithmetic mean of the components of the flash point, and close to the flashpoint content of large components; 5) through numerical analysis and simulation of the mathematical model of heavy oil and tar mixed oil viscosity and temperature, The model is an extended form of the equation UW. lgvm = Σxilgvi-K-11.3T + 0.01 (323.15K≤T≤343.15k) lgvm = Σxilgvi-K-1.1 / {1 + exp [(T-351.5) /6.3]} (343.15K <T≤365.15 K).

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