
Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid Mill
Zhejiang Hao Star Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Colloid Mill
Grinding machine
Grinding Pump


Colloid mill and grinding machine equipment difference?
Release time:2018-06-13 Publisher:admin

 As a subject of colloidal grinding, is a colloid mill used industrially and a machine that can be used to grind soybeans and other food into a paste?

what differences are there? This is certainly not an equipment. The reason is that grinding machine refers to a device that can paste materials into a paste. Comparison with soybean milk machine is also considered.
Colloid mills, on the other hand, can crush higher fineness, but must be colloidal or watery and not hard. The colloid mill used in industry is composed of a rotor and a nail, and it is a special material and requires good wear resistance. It has its own pumping capacity. The degree of grinding can reach nanometer level.

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